Caroline HelmingOccupational therapist and sleep consultant
“I’m a huge fan of weighted blankets! I highly recommend them both privately and professionally.”
How did you come into contact with the concept of weighted blankets?
I already knew this concept from my work as an occupational therapist dealing with children with various diagnoses (developmental delay, ADHD, autism). “Heavy blankets” and sandbags are part of the basic equipment of every good occupational therapy room. We occupational therapists mainly use them to promote depth perception. In the meantime, I am a sleep consultant for babies and toddlers and I know how important it is for the little ones to feel safe and to be cuddled. This allows them to relax and and only relaxed children can sleep well. However, since I had no experience with weighted blankets and found the theory behind them to be absolutely consistent, I really wanted to try them.
What do you think about using a weighted blanket?
I actually bought a weighted blanket for my son. He sleeps well, but his motor skills are always very restless. However, I must admit that I use the blanket myself at every possible opportunity. Of course, it does not match my weight and size, but I am delighted with it anyway and I will definitely buy another one for myself. The feeling under the blanket is very pleasant – almost like a cuddle. A nice and calming feeling.
In which areas of medicine do you think the use of weighted blankets makes most sense?
I clearly see the sense of using weighted blankets in sleep and anxiety disorders at any age (from about a year old). I believe they have a big positive impact in these areas. In addition, I see potential in the field of pediatrics in children who, for example, have difficulties with self-esteem or calming down.
Your conclusions from a personal or medical point of view?
I am a huge fan of this concept. Both for private and professional use, I can honestly recommend the blanket. A restful sleep feeling safe is a blessing for everyone. After all, who doesn’t like to be hugged and feel safe?